Sunday, May 16, 2010

Semester 1 is over.....

So I know I haven't been blogging for a really long time and I really can't be bothered to find an excuse if you ask why other than: Because I DIDN'T FEEL LIKE IT.

Anyway, some pictures to complete the tour of my university.

The indoor bar. Fish & Chips for 6 $ ^_^

Student Lounge. Don't really hang here that often though.

Comfy sofa's that get destroyed and mistreated my the students.

Inner Courtyard of the campus.

Pathway of DOOM ~ The walkway to my lecturers offices.

I suppose you can consider this as Cerberus's kennel.

MAC Lab.

Tutorial Room that I use.

Windows Lab.

Other than that, there really isn't much else of interest.

Semester 1 was fun. A bit hectic with some assignments, but nothing I couldn't handle. Exams were; in the first time in my life, an ABSOLUTE cinch. Just goes to show how pointless it was to study so hard and stupidly in a Malaysian high school and get retarded amounts of A's for your Sijil Pasar Malam which is worth next to nothing.

Unless of course, you want to stay on the sinking ship that is the Malaysian Economy.

So I've been doing some reading recently. Namely reading Richard Dawkins's book: "The God Delusion". Makes you realize how dumb you were when you used to (or still do) believe in religion.

Now, I'm not a religious person at all thankfully. But I do want to highlight the few major points of his book. Namely:


What made you believe in Religion? Your parents probably. Or maybe your friends whom you wanted to fit in to. What made your parents believe in Religion? Your grandparents probably or some variation thereof.

All it proves is that your parents brain-washed you into believing a grand delusion that a higher, more powerful being exist; passed down from generation to generation. Its just like how last time, everyone believed the world was flat or how the sun was thought to rotate around the earth.

Its like repeatedly telling an impressionable child: "I am God.". Sooner or later, he/she will really believe it so.


Mainly directing this point at Muslims.

You guys indoctrinate your children to believe in a "god" that requires you to pray 7X daily. When the child finally has the brains to realize what a grand farce this is, you silence them with violence.

You do not even give a chance for the child to speak. For you are such a zealot in your "rightful cause" that you are intolerant of anything that does not agree with you.

There are other religions as well, but Islam is the worst of them.


Let me first define what is the worship of gaps.

The worship of gaps is basically the worship of a deity due to the occurrence of a supernatural phenomenon that currently cannot be explained by scientific means.

Most obvious example would be the origin of life.

Because scientists cannot currently confirm the origin of life, religious zealots have the gall to take advantage of this to say that: "God DID IT!!" without a second thought. It extinguishes ideas because religion basically just tells you to STOP THINKING at once and just accept it.

Religion does nothing else really.

Now, here are some brain-less arguments that some religious people I know have come up with to justify why people should believe in God.

1) "Why not believe in God? If you don't, you'll wind up in hell. However, if you do, you'll get into heaven. If god doesn't exist, then no harm is done no?"

Well, firstly, this argument does nothing but THREATENS you to believe in god on pain of eternal damnation. It provides no evidence into the existence of God.

Secondly, it sounds as though you yourself aren't that into "GOD" itself and have some ulterior motive.


If you're going to believe in some millennium old texts which were probably written by some douche, well you're pretty gullible aren't you?

Oh, BTW, you also owe me 3000AUD.

Anyway, this point links back to my previous statement about the worship of gaps. Just because some unexplained phenomenon happened, you instantly fill it with the simplest answer: "GOD DID IT!!".

I could go on and on, but you'd never hear the end of it. Maybe next time when the mood strikes me again.

To all religious people. Just know this. The next time you wish to try and ruin someone's life by asking them to believe in religion, please be a little more considerate that not everyone wants to believe in the grand hoax that you are subscribing to. If you wish to not use your brain then please keep that decision to yourself so as to not influence other people from becoming a brain-dead drone like you. Honestly, the world would be a better place without you as people's ideas would actually get a chance to grow unlike how you mindlessly stamp out your own.

Oh, do also note that I will be laughing silently at how stupid you are when you mention that you believe in god or some variation that leads to you worshiping "God". Blood relative or not. Just like how you choose to not listen to scientific and logical fact, I choose to be prejudiced against the likes of you people.

We can still be friends, but I will never really consider you as intellectually sound should you ever mention that you believe in god.

So now I'm on holiday till the 19th. Need a job or am gonna go broke soon. T_T...

Till next time.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The nest.

So, I think its time I showed you guys a bit around my place
First up, we have the common room/lounge/ reception area of my residence halls.^^

-The common room where we play ping pong and pool like there is no tomorrow.-

-The Residence Halls Poster and Mascot: The Berwick Bulls.-

- Karen dutifully at her reception desk.^^-

-The Laundry room and vending machines. Designed to eat your money while you wait.>.<-

-The outside of the main office and the communal garden

-Block A, where I live-

-The first thing I see when I enter Block A-

-The hallway leading to my room-

-The communal kitchen. Every day is a battle to get the space to cook your food before your flatmates do.XD-

-Flatmates pigging out-

-My room door-

-Room door with cupboard beside it. Keys to the kingdom(AKA, my room) hanging on the lever.-

-The Bed-

-Maximum comfort: PS3 and laptop on one table. Notice how the PS3 is facing the bed, thus enabling playing while lying down.
Who knew such simple positioning of furniture could be so comfortable.-

-PS3 and CRT TV. A tragic combination as the graphics are shit despite the PS3's best attempts.-

-The disabled toilet. Have to sit and shower. Its more annoying that it sounds.>_>-

Well, went to Luna Park a week back. Not as good as Genting but it was free so I can't complain.^^-Me with my Hong Kong friend- Priscilla at the main gate.-

-The track of the largest Roller coaster they had. Wasn't too epic, but had a great view when at the peak.-

-The interior.-

-At their extra large sign board outside.-

-As an extra, a view of a recent sunset outside my kitchen.-

-Random picture of my favorite drink^^-

Next time will be featuring my Uni. Think I'm finally getting used to the Uni pace of life here. Though my thoughts do drift to the times back home occasionally.

Learned something from an Australian youth the other day. As you all know, slang for Malaysians is: "Lah" and "Weih". Well, for them its "Shit" and "Fuck".=_=lll

But wait, their slang is that it is interchangeable with ANYTHING.

He proceeded to demonstrate: *Points at BBQ pit* "I'm gonna BBQ some shit on this little fucker." (I'm going to barbecue some meat on this BBQ pit.) =.=lll

That is one example provided. I would put some more, but I think its more than self-explanatory of what happens.

Till next time.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Calm before the storm

So the past few days have been....routine.

Everyday, its just wake up....Eat breakfast... Go shopping for supplies for my future Uni days...Come dinner...sleep.

Would have more fun if not everything around here didn't close at 5pm. =_=

My life now is like waiting to die like that. =_=lll

So, in order to break this depressive cycle, I decided to go out and buy Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 so that I can be occupied a bit.

How wrong I was...

Not only is GRAW 2 insanely hard on the easiest difficulty. Its apparently as close to the special forces/infantryman's experience in real combat.

Which lead to me dying don't know how many times because one can die from just 3 stray bullets...

Not too mention your squad is sometimes as stupid and dumb as a door knob. Sure, they dive for cover when somebody is shooting at them. But their heads are still bullet magnets as they like to stick their head out of their cover for no good reason.

In short, GRAW 2 is a game only for masochists. And you'd be an insane lone army if you could actually beat the single player campaign.

There goes my 20 $ T_T

In other news, I rmb I promised some pictures so here they are:

-My table with the computer on it-

-My bed-

-My Aunt's house-

-Magnum Heaven Ice Cream- This beats all the ice-cream you can get back home in malaysia.

-The ice-cream wrapper with the cheesy line on it.- Each wrapper has a different saying on it. e.g. "skip dinner, come straight to me."

Been also keeping my eye out on a PS3. Heck, my aunt even provided me with an old TV. Might as well get one while i'm here.

Over here, played games can apparently be traded in to get a discount for a newer game. Though still new to this sort of system, seems kinda interesting. But games can cost a shit load so its not hard to imagine it as a customer service gimmick.

Hopefully, when Uni life starts, it won't be as mind numbingly boring....

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I find the defendant....

So, today was exploration of campus day. All organized by my parents who are suddenly very Gan-Cheong and clingy lately. Understandable though- I won't be seeing them for two years.

So, Took an hours drive to Berwick. It was...


Other synonyms include: Empty, Very open, not very lively and small.

Haihz...I'm gonna be dead bored...

My future room (Fortunately...) is actually meant for orang cacat, so i'm actually getting a huge ass toilet. Heck, I can even lie down or sit on the bench in the toilet and shower.

Other than that though, the rest of the main room is quite small. standard size bed (Small) + small desk (Enough to put my laptop and some stuff on it) + cupboard (might barely able to fit all my wardrobe...) + Towel rack (ok ok only...).

I see that the room was not designed for people to stay in it for the long term... How ironic. =_=lll

Looks like my plans of getting a PS3 will have to be accelerated forward. Otherwise my cause of death in my autopsy report is going to be listed as: "Boredom"

Till later...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I see, I came, Maybe I'll conquer?

Arrived safely in Melbourne today. Air flight was.... Boring.

No TV, had to pay for water or food and there was this fat dude who was moving in and out of the window seat while I was sleeping in the aisle seat.

Was half tempted to yell at him to lose some of those jelly-rolls. =_=

Well, arrival was fine. First thing we did was go into a supermarket and buy some groceries.

Magnum Heaven Ice-Cream FTW

Will post photos in another post later on.

Till then.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sayonara...Halycon days.

Well. This is it. I'm finally leaving for Monash University in Melbourne to study for 3 years. Its been fun everyone. I'll be back in 2 years time though. So I expect lunches and yamcha sessions PEOPLE!!! XD

My room looks so alien to me now that its been finally cleaned up....>.<
Scout friends and close buddies from 2004-present

@Kin Meng- How now? Only got Wii left for you to waste your time on now that the laptop is gone. XD. But seriously, thanks for awesome time together with "gang" during scouts and other stuff. Especially Tensa Zangetsu. I still have maggi mee in the cupboard leh, go finish it pls. Hope you can do your usual "Bull rush" through your ACCA studies.^^

PS- Please take care of Tensa Zangetsu and my costume in my room when you can? Thanks.^^

@Kian Min- PLEASE LAH!!! Don't be so Gei lah! XD. But thanks for providing the funny fodder during our scouting years together. Your "unique" mix was fun to have during scouting. I fully expect you to design my future home. With a 100% discount. XP

@Wai Yew- Still the Lansi Ban Kewl guy of the group huh? Well, thanks for chauffeuring me back to home from college. You sure left your mark amongst our "gang"; with all your wacky and stupid crap talk.XD. See you in two years time bro.

@Caely- HA, You ah! Hou sam lei lah! Lei ge Emotions, Zhok deng dit lah! XD. Thanks for being something like the Dai Kah Jie of the Scout bunch.XD. I think your nagging and scolding actually made us do some work.XD. good luck in your studies.^^

@Sooi Kee- Have known you for so long already. Ever since primary school some more. Now we both adults already lah. Hope you succeed in whatever you want to do. I'll see you in two years time.^^

@Chee Ken- Sei Kai Lou. Everytime come my house steal my ingredients and cook some exotic dinner.... Who ask you so bloody good in cooking? Make my father poor only and make Kin Meng and me fatter only. Next time I wan Fat Tiu Cheong when I come back ok? Otherwise you can kiss the custard goodbye.

TAS 2009

Danial Ahmad Shan- Good luck in whatever it is your doing. ring me up whenever you're free or (Most Proably) bored in NZ. its only an island hope away to a place with some life in it. XP

Daniel Ting- Thanks for being the De Facto Leader of TAS. Just try and tone down the *ahem* abit.....

Jun Hime- Arigatou Gozaimashita Sempai. Though I think you were one of us more than our sempai. XD.

Zarif- Continue being the god in our TAS skype huh? Oh, and I want my cut from your protection fee collection from TAS members when I come back. Plus interest.

Kay Chan- Don't be so sad since that certain someone has gone away lah. Its unbecoming of you. Don't worry, your Ottouto will "jaga" him for you. XP.

Wee- Come to Australia to study ok? Don't go Canberra; no life punya. Come Melbourne. XD. Then I can also show off my Cosplay sensei punya skillz.

Yun- You may be blur and we make fun of you due to that. But never forget that you are still a dear friend.^^ Oh, and don't so stress about studies ok? You don't want to go University only to just study only. you'll regret it more later.

Jonathan- Help Little Akiba by influencing the new members okay? Hehehehehe....

Rosini- Now that you're free from the yoke of your parents. Don't have to tell so many white lies now ok? XD

Chai Lyn- Make sure you "jaga" the new members of TAS ok? Show them what a Dai Kah Jie you are. XD

Shawn- Ring me up when you come to Aussie land ok?

Nikku- Since you're studying Acturial Science, what is the probability of you graduating when you still long for that someone? Suck it up and be a man; Do the right thing. XD. Don't forget to come down when you're on holiday then we can take a trip to Brisbane together.

Wei Jie- So you still gonna keep that refreshing look or you gonna revert back to the old self?

Gen Nen- I know lah, you too pro in studying lah. Cambridge is very easy to get in woh? I sau pei only lah.

Emily- *Flying Side-Kick* Perempuan Ganas TAS. Make sure you keep our new members in line with your TKD. XD

Popiah- Miss Tsun Tsun- Dere Dere. Enjoy what you're doing and I hope you get what you want in life soon ok?

Onigiri- Don't so emo lah? Orang Yandere.... One day I come back I want rice balls for lunch!!!

Sze Hui- Please don't reap the souls of our new members too much. A few useless ones is fine. XD

Yu-An- So when you getting together with John? XD (Just kidding, don't need to go capoeira on my face.XD) Good luck in your future endeavours ok?

John Khor- Know you since Primary school. Still as Dai Gou Sui. XP. Nice having you in the club Bro. See you in two years.

Khai Xing- Good luck in whatever you endeavour in the future. Maybe I'll see you in a couple of years time.^^

Kar Mun- Though I did not know you for long. You seemed like a pretty fun girl to be around with. Good luck in whatever you're doing.^^

Well enough of the soppy messages. Its unbecoming of me. I'll probably blog more now since you guys are so nosy. (To the point of wanting me to post up my daily activities.=.=)

This is not Farewell. Its only a super long see you later; So I want welcome back presents ok? Muahahahahahaha XP.