Monday, February 15, 2010

Calm before the storm

So the past few days have been....routine.

Everyday, its just wake up....Eat breakfast... Go shopping for supplies for my future Uni days...Come dinner...sleep.

Would have more fun if not everything around here didn't close at 5pm. =_=

My life now is like waiting to die like that. =_=lll

So, in order to break this depressive cycle, I decided to go out and buy Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 so that I can be occupied a bit.

How wrong I was...

Not only is GRAW 2 insanely hard on the easiest difficulty. Its apparently as close to the special forces/infantryman's experience in real combat.

Which lead to me dying don't know how many times because one can die from just 3 stray bullets...

Not too mention your squad is sometimes as stupid and dumb as a door knob. Sure, they dive for cover when somebody is shooting at them. But their heads are still bullet magnets as they like to stick their head out of their cover for no good reason.

In short, GRAW 2 is a game only for masochists. And you'd be an insane lone army if you could actually beat the single player campaign.

There goes my 20 $ T_T

In other news, I rmb I promised some pictures so here they are:

-My table with the computer on it-

-My bed-

-My Aunt's house-

-Magnum Heaven Ice Cream- This beats all the ice-cream you can get back home in malaysia.

-The ice-cream wrapper with the cheesy line on it.- Each wrapper has a different saying on it. e.g. "skip dinner, come straight to me."

Been also keeping my eye out on a PS3. Heck, my aunt even provided me with an old TV. Might as well get one while i'm here.

Over here, played games can apparently be traded in to get a discount for a newer game. Though still new to this sort of system, seems kinda interesting. But games can cost a shit load so its not hard to imagine it as a customer service gimmick.

Hopefully, when Uni life starts, it won't be as mind numbingly boring....

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